Geography Program
The Earth is our home: what do we make of it? Geographers and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) professionals approach this question both from the physical environment side (through studies of landforms, weather and climate, and vegetation) and from the human environment side (through studies of of how we adapt to, depend on, and modify our environment).Geography and GIS are disciplines that bring together a number of fields of study to probe how people interact with their environment. Students at Chicago State University who select Geography or GIS as their major field are interested in these questions and how they apply what they learn to possible careers in planning and development, environmental studies, conservation of natural resources, public policy, teaching, etc. Those students focusing on GIS can expect positions as GIS analysts, GIS database managers/administrators GIS consultants, remote sensing specialists, and GIS project managers. Students develop close working relationships with their advisers, faculty, and chairperson of the Department, who are always ready to provide advice on course selection and career planning.
The Geography and GIScience programs offer a Master of Arts degree in Geography, a Master of Arts Degree in Geography with GIScience Concentration, a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, and a graduate Certificate in Community Development. The geography/GIS programs also provide very valuable service to the University by offering General Education courses that undergraduate students need to take to meet General Education requirements.
Students graduating from Geography/GIS programs may prepare for careers in diverse
geographical fields including economic, recreational, and urban geography; geographic
information systems; remote sensing; cartography; climatology; government service;
international affairs; industry; planning agencies; ecology and resource management;
publishing companies; real estate; transportation corporations; neighborhood and community
development; and tourism and travel agencies. The GIS and Community Development certificates
and the Master of Art in Geography with Geographic Information Systems Concentration
specifically prepare students for employment in these fields. Master of Art graduates
may also pursue a Ph.D. in Geography, Geographic Information Science, and Remote Sensing
at Ph.D. granting institutions.
For more information concerning undergraduate and graduate programs in Geography,
please contact one of the following individuals:
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Tekleab Gala, Graduate Advisor
Office: SCI-207A (Back of GIS Lab)
Phone: (773) 995-4435